FPES-FB - FERN360 Surface Fixed Bollards Galvanised or Powder Coated 115mm to 165mm


Item is available to order. Please note the estimated delivery times below (If not displayed please contact us). Please call to pre-arrange any pick-ups.

Select Option: Surface Mount Fixed Bollards Galvanised - 115mm Dia 1m above ground
If Powder Coated - Select Colour: No Powder Coating
FPES-FB - FERN360 Surface Fixed Bollards Galvanised or Powder Coated 115mm to 165mm Surface Mount Fixed Bollards Galvanised - 115mm Dia 1m above ground No Powder Coating

Please Note: Estimated delivery details below

We offer a range of bollard solutions in galvanised finishes. Galvanised bollards offer great value and, the option of powder coating the finish to suit whatever colour scheme you need - from bright yellow to stand out to a brand colour to suit your businesses unique identity.


  • in-ground fixed galvanised bollard
  • Choice of 115, 140mm or 165mm diameter
  • Galvanised or Powder Coated 
  • 750mm or 1m above ground
  • 450mm to 500mm below ground
alliance wholesale prduct range


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